Locker Service |
Secured Locker Service is provided in some branches of Sonali Bank Limited. Customers may avail this service and secure their valuables. |
Locker size |
Yearly Charge (Tk.) |
Security Deposit (Tk.) |
Small (4.7" x 7" x 23.50") |
2,500.00 |
5,000.00 (refundable) |
Medium (4.7" x 14.33" x 23.50") |
3,000.00 |
Large (9.4" x 14.33" x 23.50") |
4,000.00 |
* Additional 15% VAT applicable along with charges |
Locker Service is available in the following branches of Sonali Bank PLC:
Last Updated At: 03-June-2024 |
Total Branch : 54 |